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APIs for Business

26 November

APIs are big business. Expedia is turning over 1 billion dollars via their API. VISA, Mastercard, DnB, The Guardian, New York Times, ESPN and many more well known companies have APIs, not to mention Amazon, Twitter, Facebook and other internet companies. APIs are no longer something just for techies, it is something that affects business




APIs are big business. Expedia is turning over 1 billion dollars via their API. VISA, Mastercard, DnB, The Guardian, New York Times, ESPN and many more well known companies have APIs, not to mention Amazon, Twitter, Facebook and other internet companies. APIs are no longer something just for techies, it is something that affects business and disrupts industries.

During one day at Internetdagarna we are going to talk about how APIs can be used to make money directly or indirectly – either by being sold as a product or by being used to market other products. There will be presentations from companies that have taken this journey and are willing to share their experiences and from industry experts that will share best practices.

The Nordic APIs for Business track at Internetdagarna will be on the second of day of the two day event. The first day you can attend another track that might interest you, some fitting ones might be Swedish Startup Sessions about entrepreneurship or the Open Data track. Read more about the event at the Internetdagarna web site and use the code IND13 when registering to get a 20% discount.

Internetdagarna is organized by the .SE foundation which is financed by the sale of .se domains.


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