Contribute your thoughts to the blog

At Nordic APIs, we are striving to inspire API practitioners with thought-provoking content. By sharing compelling stories, we aim to show that everyone can benefit from using APIs.

Our blog aims to publish vendor-neutral, genuine content. We do not feature advertising or externally sponsored content. We do not add links to articles upon request or do “link exchanges.” Inquiries from link-building/SEO agencies or essay services will be ignored.

Blog Guidelines for Guest Submissions:

Our blog is open for submissions. However, we only publish contributions that satisfy these points:

  • Vendor-neutral: Your post should not be product-specific. Don’t mention your company within the post. Do not link to your company. Unless we’re reviewing a tech on purpose, our content aims to have no vendor bias.
  • Community-based: Nordic APIs is a trade publication intended for API practitioners. The author must be actively involved in the API industry or represent a group that is. In other words, you are a developer, consultant, senior architect, API product manager, API tooling provider, technical writer, or thought leader with knowledge of this space.
  • API-related: We blog about web APIs. Your post must be relevant to this topic.
  • Use complete sentences and paragraphs: A bullet list is not an article. Write your article in paragraph form, and don’t overuse structured or unstructured lists.
  • Evergreen: We’re looking for thought leadership that is still relevant at least 18 months into the future.
  • Word Count: The length should be 1000-1500 words. We’ve found this is the ideal length for a quality, evergreen post.
  • High-quality: Not superficial, goes beyond common knowledge to tackle a specific idea.
  • No Republishing: Please send us fresh stuff. We don’t re-publish articles that appeared on your company blog or Medium channel, and we don’t syndicate our content elsewhere.
  • Grounded: Support claims with specific concrete details or references. Include on-the-ground, actionable insights to help the reader.
  • Clear direction and thesis: Ideas directly relate to and support a thesis. Information is concise and not redundant.
  • Structured: Create a headline, and organize sections with subtitles, and connective phrases.
  • Rough Edit: Use American English. We will give it a final copyedit, but before sending it, please check your spelling and grammar. Native and Non-native English speakers alike can use a tool like Grammarly.
  • Submission: Use the submission form below to pitch an article idea. Our Editor will review and respond quickly.
  • Sharing: Once your pitch is approved, submit a draft written in Markdown within a Google Doc with editing capabilities enabled. Not sure how to use Markdown? It’s easy!
  • No Formatting: Write in plain text and denote formatting in Markdown.
  • 2-3 weeks: Please understand we receive a number of submissions each week. We schedule in advance and stick to a publishing regime (3-4 posts/week) plus a bi-weekly email digest. This ensures a high impact for each post, however, it may take time until your post is live. Your patience is appreciated.
  • eBooks: By contributing to Nordic APIs, you automatically give us rights over the content and give permission to republish the content and the author’s likeness as we see fit, (such as in our free eBooks).
  • Linking: We only allow external links that are credible, vendor-neutral, and helpful for readers. We have the right to remove or add additional internal or external links at our discretion. Do not link to lead generation schemes or landing pages.
  • Do not use AI to write your post.

Blog Impact

Our blog reaches about 100,000 readers each month. All our articles are professionally copyedited and come with a custom graphic. Each post is shared multiple times across our social channels and is featured in our bi-weekly newsletter, which has over 4,000 API practitioner subscribers. Writers are given a byline, and links in bios are permitted.

Pitch an Article

If you would like to contribute an article to Nordic APIs, first fill out the form below to pitch an idea.

Speak at an event

Do you have an idea for a great talk that would connect with the Nordic APIs community? Visit the Call for Speakers page to submit your talk.

You can see our event calendar here.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you. Get in Touch