All slides from Nordic APIs Copenhagen

A couple of weeks ago Nordic APIs visited Copenhagen for a great event sponsored by Ping Identity, Layer7 Technologies and Jayway. The presentations covered everything from API trends and Hypermedia APIs to Identity and Security. Here are all slides collected in one place, enjoy…

State of APIs

Andreas Krohn from Dopter (one of the founding companies of Nordic APIs) talked about the current state of the world of APIs and the future trends to keep an eye on. Among the trends are APIs for muggles, realtime, API Management and the coming API backlash.

Identity for APIs, web and mobile

Hans Zandbelt from Ping Identity spoke about how to solve the identity problem when using APIs. OAuth, OpenID Connect and Single Sign-on are just a few things that were covered in this presentation.

Why should I care about Hypermedia APIs

Mads Enevoldsen from Jayway talked about the advantages of Hypermedia APIs, as well as some of the disadvantages.

Secure Social Media Integration

Jacob Ideskog from Twobo Technologies (one of the founding companies of Nordic APIs) described why and how to securely integrate login with social media services like Facebook, Google and LinkedIn.

Authorization: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Dr. Srijith Nair from Axiomatics gave a good overview of why authorization is key to securely control who does what with your API.

Running an API 24/365

Federico Hernandez from Västtrafik that is handling public transport in western Sweden gave a great presentation of how to keep an API running every day all year long even under heavy load.

My Journey into the Terrifiying World of Hypermedia

As usual Ronnie Mitra from Layer7 Technologies gave a personal and inspiring presentation, this time about his experience in diving into Hypermedia APIs.

Incorporating OAuth

Travis Spencer from Twobo Technologies (one of the founding companies of Nordic APIs) talked about how to use OAuth, with examples of how to use OAuth in an Android app.

All the presentations were recorded with Bambuser, but both the camera work and the sound quality are not perfect. If you want to see the videos they can all be found at Nordic APIs bambuser channel. Presentations from Nordic APIs Copenhagen as well as from all other Nordic APIs events can be found at slideshare and videos from other events can be found at youtube.

A huge thanks to all attendees and to Ping Identity, Layer7 Technologies, Jayway, Axiomatics, Västtrafik, CA Technologies,Janrain and Creative Destruction for making the event possible.