7 Helpful Open Source GraphQL Security Tools

7 Helpful Open-Source GraphQL Security Tools

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GraphQL is becoming increasingly popular, but what happens if you run into security issues? While there aren’t many resources on the subject, the ones that are around can make a big difference. Here are a few security tools to keep your project safe. These packages help balance keeping your API private while supplying users with data when needed. These tools are extremely helpful, especially if it’s your first time using GraphQL.

1. Hasura GraphQL Engine

Hasura GraphQL Engine is a fully managed GraphQL Engine. It lets you create a private GraphQL server in a few minutes. You can also use it to make a public GraphQL server, but if you want to keep it private, it’s perfect.

Hasura GraphQL Engine has a visual editor that makes it easy to create a GraphQL schema. Hasura is great if you’re only interested in querying data and don’t want to deal with mutations. It supports many authentication methods, letting you choose the best one for you and your project.

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2. GraphQL Armor

GraphQL Armor is a GraphQL security layer that ensures that only users who have permission to access the data can see it while letting others use it when needed. GraphQL Armor uses access tokens to keep your API private and can be used for mutations and queries.

GraphQL Armor also provides a way to rate-limit requests to your GraphQL server, helping to prevent denial-of-service attacks. It also has a visual editor for easy setup. GraphQL Armor is great for any project where security needs to be considered.

3. InQL Scanner

InQL Scanner is a GraphQL audit tool that lets you check your schema for vulnerabilities. It has several different rules for checking for common security issues. Using InQL, you can scan your schema to ensure it complies with GraphQL standards.

InQL Scanner can be used to find and exploit weaknesses in your schema, query, and resolver code. The scanner can also be used to find and exploit vulnerabilities in your application’s dependencies. It’s a great tool to audit your project to be sure it’s as secure as possible.

4. GraphQL Shield

GraphQL Shield is a GraphQL mutation and query permission control system. It’s a server-side implementation that lets you control who has access to your data in various ways. You can limit users to specific fields, set a maximum number of fields they can see, or only let them access data if a particular field is true. GraphQL Shield is great for any project that needs to control what resources a user can access in the database.

5. GraphQL.security

GraphQL.security is a handy utility for checking for common security issues in GraphQL schemas. It can be run on your schema directly or as a tool to create a report of potential issues in your schema. It comes with many helpful rules for finding potential problems with your schema, like checking for fields that are too broad, don’t have a type, or are missing a description.

6. Graphinder

Graphinder is a tool for visualizing your GraphQL schema. It’s a great way to understand your schema and see how it works. Graphinder is also a swift and powerful tool for querying GraphQL databases. It lets you quickly find and connect to the right data without much hassle. As such, the utility is useful for auditing a subdomain to discover GraphQL endpoints. It can also be helpful when you’re trying to set up your GraphQL server.

7. GraphQL Voyager

GraphQL Voyager is a GraphQL explorer tool. It lets you explore and interact with your GraphQL endpoint as a graph, enabling you to test out your queries and mutations. It can also be helpful when debugging issues in your code.

An Overview of the Security Challenges in GraphQL

GraphQL is a powerful query language that lets developers easily access data from various sources. However, since GraphQL is not tied to a specific database or data format, it can pose a challenge when it comes to security.

When using GraphQL, it’s important to know the potential security risks of exposing data to third-party applications. One of the most significant security risks with GraphQL is that it could be used to bypass authentication and authorization checks. This risk is compounded since GraphQL often aggregates multiple data sources, REST APIs, and other GraphQL endpoints. Without the proper access control in place, a hacker could send a GraphQL query to a server and potentially gain access to data and privileges that they otherwise should not be able to access.

Another potential security risk of using GraphQL is that it can be used to enumerate data. This means that an attacker could send a series of GraphQL queries to introspect the structure of the data stored on the server. This information could then be used to launch an attack on the server.

It is important to carefully consider how data is exposed through a GraphQL API to mitigate these risks. It is also important to implement security measures such as authentication and authorization checks. Other security suggestions include turning off field suggestions or placing rate limits on calls.

Final Words

These tools are extremely helpful, especially if it’s your first time using GraphQL. They make it easier to understand your schema, check for security issues, and ensure everything is working properly. These tools are great for any GraphQL project and can really help ease the transition from REST to GraphQL.

In conclusion, the security challenges in GraphQL are primarily due to the fact that it’s a relatively new technology. As with any new technology, there will always be security challenges that need to be addressed. However, the community is aware of these risks and has developed tools to mitigate them. In the meantime, it’s essential to be mindful of the potential dangers of using GraphQL and take steps to protect your data.