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Assuring API Quality with the Extensibility of SOAPUI and Ready! API

This Ready! API workshop is intended for API practitioners at every level who want to test their APIs using SOAPUI and SmartBear’s new Ready! API testing platform. Whether you are in the trenches or serving as a CTO, there is always more to learn. This is your chance to dive deep into API testing using SmartBear’s leading products.

Attendees will walk away with the knowledge and experience necessary to create and execute Java plug-ins that can be used in SOAPUI and Ready! API to test and debug APIs. Using a simpler and efficient programming interface and tool chain, you will be able to quickly assure that your Web services are bug free. If you’ve been looking for ways to more thoroughly develop and test your APIs, then this is your chance.

This four-hour-long workshop will be split into three sections with a break alone the way.

  1. In section one, we will go through the SOAPUI, Ready! API, and the aspects of Java necessary to write a plug-in for the two products.
  2. Section two will include an overview of the plug-in model of the SOAPUI and Ready! API.
  3. During the the final section, Manne will provide demos of the plug-in development process and work with students to create a plug-in.


  • Basic Programming skills with some C-based language (e.g., Java, C#, C++)
  • Vague familiarity with SOAPUI (although the basics will be covered)

What to Bring

Bring a laptop with the following software installed:

  • Maven
  • A Java code editor (e.g., IntelliJ community edition or Eclipse)
  • SOAPUI Pro (a trial licenses will be provided)
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