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Our eBooks offer deeper dives into specific topics, consolidating expert opinions and case studies on APIs. The Nordic APIs team has written and published the following eBooks, which can all be downloaded for FREE for easy desktop, browser, or mobile reading.

NordicAPIs ebooks

The API Lifecycle

Consumed by third party products and fueled by iterative feedback and market validation, the web API product lifecycle can be more complex than typical SaaS offerings. We at Nordic APIs have boiled down the common API lifecycle into four main phases, helping goal an API practitioner stabilize their API against internal and external factors, encouraging

Developing The API Mindset

This guide defines a taxonomy for API types and offers insightful business strategies for each variation: Private, Partner, and Public APIs. Most important of all is that API usage in a business assists in reorienting the business culture and mindset towards a platform model and composable enterprise identity. This mindset is essential for stability and

Smarter Tech Decisions Using APIs

Smarter Tech Decisions Using APIs

API blog

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