All slides from Nordic APIs, Stockholm in March

These are all the slides from the first Nordic APIs in Stockholm in March. All the presentations during the afternoon session were recorded and we will publish the videos as soon as we can, hopefully sometimes next week.

State of APIs: Now and Next

Andreas Krohn from Dopter (one of the founding companies of Nordic APIs) talked about the current state of the world of APIs and the future trends to keep an eye on.

Criticality of identity: The importance of knowing who your API consumer is

Hans Zandbelt from Ping Identity spoke about the need to know the identitiy of the consumers of your API.

HTML Hypermedia APIs and Adaptive Web Design

Gustaf Kotte from Jayways presented a nice way to use HTML as the content type for a Hypermedia API together with adaptive design to quickly build applications.

Integrated social solutions for a cloudy, mobile world

Travis Spencer and Jacob Ideskog from Twobo (one of the founding companies of Nordic APIs) showed how to quickly integrate social services in applications.

Why did Sveriges Radio need an Open API and what happened

Tobias Löfgren from Sveriges Radio gave a great talk about the history and lessons learned from the Sveriges Radion API.

The “I” is for Interaction

Ronnie Mitra from Layer7 Technologies focused on building a Developer Experience, after all it is developers that are the users and consumers of our APIs.

Buidling a Secure API

Travis Spencer Twobo (one of the founding companies of Nordic APIs) gave a great overview of the technologies involved in launching a secure API.

Lessons learned from Trafiklab

Lars Löfquist from Samtrafikens gave an overview of the lessons learned from the public transport API portal Trafiklab, both good and bad.