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The Dev, Sec and Ops of API Security

Enterprise use of APIs is growing exponentially. Companies must shift towards a software-based, digital approach to service and product delivery – or get left behind. Agile development, business pressure and the adoption of microservices architectures have made security teams’ lives very complicated.

Downside: The more APIs, the higher the security risk!

API security challenges exist at many different levels of the API lifecycle. Detecting and fixing vulnerabilities in production is up to 30 times more expensive than catching them earlier. Security should be easy to consider and apply during the requirements and development phases by attaching pre-defined policies to APIs, and should be simple to continuously test and monitor as part of the ongoing deployment of the APIs.

Upside: We’ll prep you with the tips and tricks you need to implement an automated, end-to-end API Security process that will get your dev, sec and ops teams speaking the same language.

Using practical examples, you will learn:

[1] How to mitigate security risks at each stage of the API lifecycle.

[2] How to implement an end-to-end automated API security model that development, security and operations teams will love.

[3] How to think positively! Why a positive security model works.

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