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Secure your APIs using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect

When opening up secure APIs, OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect are the primary standards being used today. Implementing and using these standards can be challenging. In this session, Travis Spencer, CEO of Twobo Technologies, will provide an in-depth overview of these standards and explain how they can be integrated into financial services apps. The overview will include information on:

  • The actors involved in OAuth and OpenID Connect
  • The flows used in the standards
  • What grant types are, which are defined, and the message exchanges of each
  • What scopes are and examples of their use
  • Different classes of tokens and how they are used
  • Overview of the OpenID Foundation’s work in the Financial API WG

Attendees will leave with:

  • An overview of OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect
  • Knowledge of the basics necessary to using these standards
  • Resources and information sources where more information can be found
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