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LiveCast: API Monitoring

Join us for this hour-long webinar to learn how API monitoring affects the bottom line.

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API Monitoring



Our API Monitoring LiveCast will bring in experts to discuss how API monitoring affects the bottom line. Our speakers will describe why functional uptime surpasses performance monitoring, how to avoid bugs, as well as key metrics to monitor to help gauge the business success of a developer program.

This hourlong webinar will feature two API monitoring and analytics specialists, Patrick Poulin, CEO of API Fortress, and Derric Gilling, CEO of Moesif.

Who is it for? API product managers, API designers, platform architects, and others should find these insights helpful.

Nordic APIs LiveCasts are completely free to attend through Zoom. We welcome attendees to view in realtime so they may ask questions. As per our typical LiveCast format, Bill Doerrfeld will introduce the and lead Q&A discussion. After this, our guest speakers will provide lightning talks on niche topics followed by Q&As.

The live session was recorded and can be watched here:

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This was a free to attend Webinar on Zoom, originally broadcasted on March 4th 2020.

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