Axiomatics, APIs and Belgian Beer

axiomatics-logo-lgWe have been working w/ the guys at Axiomatics for a while. Great group of people who really know the ins and outs of authorization. This is an important topic as APIs increasingly expose more and more high-worth assets. Determining what an API consumer is allowed to do is essential for protecting the resources being opened up by those services. To learn more about this, the guys from Axiomatics will join us next week in Stockholm and again in Copenhagen in May.

They have also been kind enough to offer us all a drink after this month’s lectures. We’ll head to Belgobaren right after the event end’s at 17:00 for a Belgian beer and some hors d’oeuvres. We’ll talk about authorization and other topics that came up during the day. In a more intimate setting, we’ll also establish some closer relationships and build a community around Nordic APIs which I’m very eager to be a part of. It’s only 2 or 3 blocks from Jayway’s office, so please plan on joining me, your colleagues, and the folks from Axiomatics.

[Disclosure: Axiomatics and Twobo, my company, have a commercial relationship.]