The Nordic APIs conference in September is closing in, it is now just a month and a few days to go. The agenda is full of great presentations and tickets are selling well. Even if we have been quite we are working hard on making this the greatest API conference the Nordics have ever seen.
Independent tickets
To make it possible for students, freelancers and others that have to pay out of their own pocket to come we have a very cheap ticket available – the “Independent ticket” for only 500 SEK (+VAT). For that you get the full treatment – 2 days worth of presentations, an unconference, a demo track, pre-event drinks (to be announced soon) etc. This is our way to support students and freelancers. All of the Nordic APIs team have been students and most of us have (or are) freelancers, so we know that expensive conferences are a no go.
Time is running out
The Independent tickets are only sold until the end of this week, so come midnight Sunday 18th of August it is too late. Of course we will still be selling tickets after Sunday, unless we are sold out. Then the price will be 1300 SEK (+VAT) which is still not too bad, but if you are a student or a freelancer you can save 800 SEK by registering right now.