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Indranil Sinha

Indranil Sinha

Head of QA

Marginalen Bank

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Born and raised in Calcutta, India, Indranil pursued his doctoral degree in Biology and two postdoctoral fellowships from renowned research institutions in Israel, Sweden and USA.

Indranil started working at Marginalen Bank in 2012 with software testing. Through the years he has had different roles and finally in 2021, he was able to create a brand-new QA department at Marginalen Bank. Between 2019 and 2021, he conceptualized, and his team members implemented two innovative solutions within test automation and in 2021 he started his public speaking career. With direct support from his organization, Indranil organized probably the very first software testing conference in Banking and Finance in Stockholm STCBF 2021 and STCBF 2022. Indranil’s innovative works within API test automation management and live production bug tracking, has been selected as EuroSTAR RisingStar Award finalist 2022 and 2023. He enjoys speaking at European software testing conferences. Other than work, Indranil loves spending time with his family and travelling in Europe.

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