
You’ve Had an API Breach, Now What?

What are the best practice approaches to address both the immediate impact of an API attack and to implement a longer term remediation strategy.

This is a real-world example of a leading on-line retailer who was the victim of a recent API-targeted attack. Learn how an immediate plan of action was implemented to ensure business continuity and how in parallel, a longer-term strategy was adopted designed to prevent a recurrence of the damage and to protect the company’s overall API estate. Based on his real-world experience, the presenter will walk us through the step-by-step measures that needed to be immediately undertaken to stem the damage impacting the business, but he also expands on how the company adopted a longer-term approach to protecting their assets. Attendees will walk away with a step-by-step guide to implementing an API Protection action plan for today and tomorrow.

View the Session Slides Here.

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