
Using Stargate APIs for Cassandra-Backed Applications

Cassandra is the new black, and many developers and organizations are flocking to this technology to meet their scalability, uptime and distribution needs. However, using Cassandra can be overwhelming for developers as they need to learn to use CQL in order to access the database. Fortunately, there’s another option! The Stargate open source API engine can enhance any Cassandra database by offering HTTP APIs for data access.

This talk will briefly cover Cassandra’s features, then dive into a detailed description of the API Architecture available through Stargate. I’ll discuss GRPC, REST, GraphQL and the schemaless document API. A demonstration application, available for use by attendees, will be used to show how to integrate the APIs into your application so you can leverage Cassandra without writing a bit of CQL (or any other QL for that matter).

After attending the talk, you will understand how Stargate works to give you access to your Cassandra database via HTTP APIs, and you’ll have access to sample applications and additional training resources to learn more.

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