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The API Revolution in Banking

Every ten years or so there is a technology breakthrough that significantly changes how you as a customer can interact with the bank. Internet made it possible for you to do banking from home; smartphones allowed you to bring the bank with you in the pocket; APIs enable the bank to come to you, wherever you are. With the wider adaption of API technology that comes with the implementation of PSD3 and Open Finance, banks will move away from proprietary digital channels and instead become providers of financial services that are embedded in the digital environments where you prefer to spend time.

Nordea’s approach to API banking

  • Providing one of the best developer portals in the industry – Innopay has ranked our portal as the best developer experience for 5 consecutive years now
  • Developing new API products – our agile way of working, release structure, technical aspects etc.
  • Our API traffic over the years – from trembling start to 75 million API calls per month
  • Benefitting from compliance – turning PSD2 development into commercial APIs
  • What’s coming – PSD3 and Open Finance

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