
Accelerate your Digital Journey with APIs

Digital Transformation is creating the foundation for entirely new business models within existing organisations, as well as giving rise to entirely new businesses and revenue opportunities. Analysts are predicting there will be 100 billion+ connected devices by 2025, heading towards a trillion sensor ecosystem. In a hyper-connected era of mobile, social, cloud, big data, and the Internet of Things, future business models will depend on the availability of greater amounts of data flowing beyond domains and through more systems, whilst being accessed and used by more customers and employees. With the customer experience paramount to the success of future growth and investment by enterprises.

All this creates a massive challenge for Enterprises to keep up with latest trends like Cloud, APIs and Microservices. Digital savvy enterprises have turned this challenge into an opportunity leveraging API Management with many building new digital platforms. This session will provide an overview on the benefits an API Management Platform can provide and how BMW, Unicredit, National Australia Bank amongst others have accelerated change with the help of an API first approach.

Smarter Tech Decisions Using APIs

Smarter Tech Decisions Using APIs

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