Around 2019, the year of the creation of the GraphQL Foundation, GraphQL saw a huge boom in popularity and started getting mass adoption from API devs worldwide. Now, in 2024, other technologies and trends have taken the spotlight (crypto, LLMs, AI…), and the buzz around GraphQL APIs seems to have died down somewhat… so what happened to it? Is it still relevant? Should you be building a GraphQL API in 2024 if you want to be one of the cool kids? Mature, stale, boring, or still trendy and useful? In this talk, we’ll go over the current state of the GraphQL ecosystem, what the community, through extended usage throughout these years, has found to be good and bad use cases for GraphQL, and in which situations it makes sense to expose a GraphQL API layer. This talk will be of interest to both technical and non-technical audiences.
View the Session Slides Here.
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