As API adoption becomes increasingly pivotal for companies, understanding the evolution from cURL commands to robust Software Development Kits (SDKs) is paramount. Your initial developer experience may focus on API reference docs with cURL commands, but as you scale, you’ll need to help developers beyond “Hello World.” Discover the pivotal role SDKs play in propelling developers towards production-ready solutions. However, building and maintaining an effective SDK program can be resource-intensive. This talk will address this challenge by demonstrating the key – SDK generation. Learn how your OpenAPI definition can serve as a source of truth, enabling the automated generation of SDK libraries in multiple languages, comprehensive documentation, and illustrative code samples. We delve into seamlessly integrating “docs as code” principles and SDK package publishing to streamline the process. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of SDK generation as the linchpin in crossing the API Adoption Chasm.
View the Session Slides Here.
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