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CA Full Lifecycle API Management

Mikael Diwing CA Technologies
Ronnie Mitra CA Technologies

Workshop Description 1st half:

Full-featured API management solutions such as CA Full Lifecycle API Management, aim to make it simple for even the most security-conscious organizations to open their information assets for use by partner organizations, third-party developers, mobile apps and cloud services, without impacting data security or the performance of backend systems.

This practical workshop will teach you how to manage the lifecycle of your API with a special focus on design, security and monitoring of your API. You will also get hands on with the suite of CA Technologies products for API Management and learn the foundations of lifecycle management from the CA API Academy.

You will work with an API and manage it in three tutorials:

  • API Design and creation using a low-code approach with CA Live API Creator
  • API Security and exposure using CA API Gateway and CA API Portal
  • API Monitoring and alerting using CA Runscope

Workshop Description 2nd half:

This is a continuation of the previous session held between 13.00-15.00 CET and will end with an open discussion where you have the ability to ask questions and look deeper into the aspects of API Lifecycle management.

Full-featured API management solutions such as CA Full Lifecycle API Management, aim to make it simple for even the most security-conscious organizations to open their information assets for use by partner organizations, third-party developers, mobile apps and cloud services, without impacting data security or the performance of backend systems.

This practical workshop will teach you how to manage the lifecycle of your API with a special focus on design, security and monitoring of your API. You will also get hands on with the suite of CA Technologies products for API Management and learn the foundations of lifecycle management from the CA API Academy.

You will work with an API and manage it in three tutorials:

  • API Design and creation using a low-code approach with CA Live API Creator
  • API Security and exposure using CA API Gateway and CA API Portal
  • API Monitoring and alerting using CA Runscope

The level of this workshop is medium.
Previous experience and knowledge about Web APIs and common protocols/standards is preferred.

If you want to follow the hands-on use cases bring a laptop, where you have admin rights or on which you have the rights to install/run additional software. It should also be equipped with a modern web browser and the ability to connect to the internet.

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