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Amplify API Management: Fostering and Securing Collaboration Beyond Your Organization’s Boundaries

Why attend?

This tech-lab will give you hands on experience with guided exercises, an introduction and components overview on Axway’s Amplify API Management.

Who should attend:

This tech-lab is aimed at IT Professionals who wish to learn how to create, manage, secure and maintain control of data both across their organisation and to external audiences.

Workshop Description

– Part 1

First, we propose to execute an API Manager scenario.
In this scenario an internal API is exposed so that it can be used by application developers from the inside and outside of an organization. Steps will be:

  • Expose API: the selected REST API is virtualized so that it can be put to disposition of a community of developers for testing.
  • Publish API: the documentation, security and implementation of the quotas is updated so that the API can be used by external partners.
  • Community management: showing how a community allows to quickly manage the enrollment of application developers.
  • Application developer point of view: you will discover how an application developer will interact with an API Portal to search for interesting APIs, obtain
  • API keys and manage the utilization of his application.

– Part 2

Second, we propose a Quota System policy development scenario.

This scenario involves three stages, implying three variants on the developed policy.

  • Implementation of quotas: This is the quota management policy in its basic state. We will produce the policy which restricts access to any service to one request every 5 seconds.
  • Quota policy based on authentication: this second version of the policy, we will add authentication. If the user is recognized by the platform, they can access the service as many times as they wish. However, if the user is not recognized, the quota policy is applied, based on the restrictions described below.
  • Quota policy based on membership of a group: A user may belong to different groups. These groups may have limited access rights to certain services. To simulate this partitioning, we will develop the policy to take into account three levels of authorization to access the services:
    • Gold level: Unlimited access;
    • Silver level: Access Limited to 5 requests every 5 seconds;
    • Bronze level: 1 request every 5 seconds that is the default policy for an unrecognized user.

Attendees should have a laptop on windows with a VMWare player and at least 8GB RAM. The host will provide the VM, and some 3d party tools like 7zip a a VM player if necessary.

The level of this workshop is basic.

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