David Brossard

In his role as CTO at Axiomatics, David drives the technology vision and strategy for Axiomatics based on both identity and access management (IAM) market trends as well as customer feedback. He also leads the company’s strategy for standards and technology integrations in both the IAM and broader cybersecurity industries. David is a founding member of IDPro, a co-author of the OASIS XACML and ALFA standards, a founder and co-chair of the OpenID AuthZEN Working Group, a contributor to OAuth and SCIM, and an expert on standards-based authorization as part of an overall IAM implementation. Most recently, David led the design and development of Salesforce’s identity offering, including enterprise and consumer identity.

David is a regular speaker at conferences worldwide, such as Identiverse, Nordic APIs, Gartner Identity & Access Management summits, and the European Identity Conference. David holds a Master’s of Engineering from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon, France, and a certificate in business excellence from the Haas School of Business at Berkeley.

David maintains a blog on all things identity at http://www.webfarmr.eu.

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