Supported by Curity Logotype


Workshop: OpenAPI Fundamentals

OpenAPI is the most popular and widely used API description language in the API Economy. However, many people don’t know where it came from, why it exists, or still insist on calling it “Swagger”.

In our workshop we’ll provide a start-to-finish, nothing-to-something view of OpenAPI. Based on the OpenAPI Fundamentals course published by the Linux Foundation we’ll look at:

  • The history, background and reason why OpenAPI is important
  • The basics of the OpenAPI description language
  • Approaches to creating an API description, through design-first or code-first
  • Using OpenAPI for your use cases
  • Extending OpenAPI

In this workshop you’ll be joined by OpenAPI experts who’ll provide their insights on each topic. The workshop will be very interactive, with an “ask me anything” format with lots of time for questions or diving into specific aspects of OpenAPI.


Why Attend?

Attend this workshop to learn about the fundamentals of OpenAPI and work with experts to further your knowledge.


Who Should Attend?

A general appreciation of APIs is required for this session, but we won’t go into deep technical detail at any stage. Anyone with an interest in learning more about OpenAPI and can understand a JSON or YAML document is welcome!

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