English or svenska eller Swenglish?

For the Nordic APIs events in Stockholm March 21st we have so far planned to have all presentations in English, but we are now second guessing ourselves and would like to know what you think. Several of our speakers are from the US and prefers to use English for their presentations, but a couple of presenters are native Swedes. We think that it would be a bit ridiculous for Swedes to use English to speak to other Swedes.

Is Swedish OK?

So our question to you is – do you mind if some of the presentations are in Swedish? Please let us now in the comments of this post, via Twitter (@nordicapis) or contact us directly.

Language of future events

For the big 2-day Nordic APIs in September all presentations will be in English. The reason for this is that there will be several international speakers and attendees and we really do not want to exclude them. Also we solemnly swear to not try to do our presentations in Danish when we come to Copenhagen (but any native Danish speakers might).